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Books and Sex Ed are is Worse than the TalialQaedaban

April 12, 2010

Mentions Stuff

Sex Education!  Books that mention sex!, violence! and poopy words!  Wisconsin!  Tri-Cities, Washington!


As we’ve just finished shooting up another bus load of brown skinned humans in Afghanistan, our attention must once again turn to the evils of sex and books.  From masturbating native humans, to the disgusting trend of teaching our children about how, where and what happens when a penis is put someplace…to books with words in them…these trends are trending and dangerous.

As we all know, books, sex ed and liberals, are worse than the TalibalQaedaban or our Kenyan president.  They must be stopped.

In other news, Willie Nelson’s band was busted for pot and WikiLeaks has another video of Afghan kids and their parents being blown up…because they just happen to live in Afghanistan.

Praise the Lord, fear the books, fear the sex and fear bands who smoke the Ganja…just another wacky/fearful day here in the
highly educated Homeland.

  1. April 12, 2010 11:09

    Went out Saturday to collect I-1068 signatures in Port Townsend- my first try at this.

    I was able to get 24 signatures.

    The negative comments were the most thought provoking.

    One lady said she worked for the sheriffs dept. (not sure which county) and they don’t like that kind of stuff.

    So much for “We don’t make the laws we just enforce them”.

    Looks like she doesn’t have her employer’s permission to think for herself.

    One guy told me: “It will still be illegal at the federal level”

    As if we are supposed to accept a totalitarian mandate- preventing the 50 states from speaking out on this.

    If freedom is the way we attempt to justify US foreign policy- peaceable, responsible adults should be able to act on that freedom without controversy.


    • lens1 permalink*
      April 12, 2010 14:42

      Decriminalizing marijuana? But, but Alex, that would lead to the State getting about 200 billion dollars in tax revenue! State liquor stores would be overrun with new Ganja customers! The stoned people of PT would be all mellow and happy, what would the PT Poleese do without tourist bar brawls? What of the snacks? Snack sales would quadruple, just in time for the new state tax on soda, chips and candy. Stores can not be expected to handle that new revenue stream!?

      What of the Border Patrol and their hunt for terrorist Mexicans who travel with mary jane? The humanity…oh the humanity!!

      I suspect the “sheriffs department” lady works for Kitsap County, they’re a bit touched there. And half of em’ are stoned too.

      I’m surprised you got 24 signatures. Downtown has not been real pot friendly since Zach Mayo and Gunnery Sgt. Emil Foley wandered it’s streets, looking for women and starting fights at the Town Tavern.

      No wait, that was me.

      Just more Homeland Tomfoolery I guess. Today marijuana. Tomorrow coffee. We’re more like Iran than Iran.

      Thanks Alex…and a salute from the Gunny himself.


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